It has been a busy couple of weeks. So good to connect with audiences and individuals old and new! We writers spend a great deal of time in enforced isolation – not all bad, but a touch of real face-to-face human interaction is always great to keep balance.
So, what have I been up to?
Firstly, I’ve been working with the alumni support team at the University of Canterbury, putting together a profile to celebrate receiving the Royal Society’s Charles Fleming Publishing Award. Have a read here and see what you think: Alumni Q&A: Karen Wrigglesworth
Second, I’m just back from a full-on week in Dunedin. Woop! Ali Boyne from Dunedin Library invited me to present an author’s talk last Friday – it was great to have the opportunity to share my passion for all things engineering heritage with a Dunedin spin. My cover artist daughter also came along – one of the real delights of taking a cooperative approach to my Take Me With You! creative project.
I’m also in the process of developing an exciting new approach to my creative work, including an improved website with the generous help of Steve Baron. Watch this space for updates very soon.