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Learners' Corner

My name is Karen Wrigglesworth and I’m an award-winning author, engineer and technical storyteller. I get it that people often struggle to understand exactly what engineers do day-to-day. That’s where my idea to combine engineering and storytelling began.

I founded The Technical Storyteller to excite ordinary people about engineering and other technical topics, and to share the power of story to teach us how old and current innovations can be reused or improved to provide more resilient solutions for the future.

It Takes a Community

Learners' Corner

Johel Brown-Grant

Storytelling Strategist Johel Brown-Grant from the US State Department discusses technical storytelling’s organisational benefits in this episode of NASA’s Small Steps, Giant Leaps podcast series.
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Karen Mazurkewich

In this Harvard Business Review think-piece, tech and innovation journalist Karen Mazurkewich argues that technical experts need to up their game when it comes to telling stories.
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Karen Wrigglesworth

In this interview for my old university, I explain a bit about technical storytelling and the backstory that has seen me follow that path.
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Touring Whanganui with an Engineer

In 2020, just after the Covid lockdown was lifted, The Technical Storyteller celebrated the launch of Take Me With You! about Whanganui’s engineering heritage. Check out the news article.
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Learners' Corner

Take Me With You!

The Take Me With You! series is a highly valuable resource about engineering heritage in New Zealand.  The books are generously illustrated throughout.  Photos taken by the author offer an engaging entry point and ‘an engineer’s eye view’ into each of the stories.  

The stories told are important because, by helping us reflect on the past, they enable us to make informed decisions about the directions we want to take in the future.

Are you ready to work with
The Technical Storyteller?

If you're interested in learning more about how to use technical storytelling in your business, please contact us today.
We’re excited to help you get started.
The Technical Storyteller
Technical Storytelling:
Engage the Power of Story

© 2023 Karen Wrigglesworth