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Publishing History

Take Me With You Too!: A Self-Drive Guide to Dunedin’s Engineering Heritage

Published by Cliff Creatives, September 2022.

Take Me With You!: A Self-Drive Guide to Whanganui’s Engineering Heritage

Published by Cliff Creatives, August 2020.

The Avians

In the Autumn edition of a fine line magazine. Published by the New Zealand Poetry Society, 2020.

Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament

In 10 stories: writing about architecture/5 – A compilation of essays from the Warren Trust Architectural Writing Competition. Published by the New Zealand Institute of Architects, June 2020.

West Yorkshire Wanderings

In Waterways World magazine, UK. Published July 2019.

A Constant Presence

In 10 stories: writing about architecture/4 – A compilation of essays from the Warren Trust Architectural Writing Competition. Published by the New Zealand Institute of Architects, March 2019.

The Maketu on Mrs Jones and all that

Thresholds International Short Story Forum (University of Chichester, UK). Published May 2017.

Len Lye’s ‘Trilogy’ – An Engineering Perspective

In Len Lye Trilogy (A Flip and Two Twisters). Published by the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, December 2016.

Stamp vending machines – a NZ first

The story of the development of a world-first stamp-vending innovation. Wanganui Chronicle, December 2016.

Aramoho Rail Bridge

Construction of the 1877 landmark. Wanganui Chronicle, November 2016.

Kempthorne Prosser

A history of Kempthorne Prosser from 1870 until its closure in the 1980s. Wanganui Chronicle, October 2016.

Sewer innovation and development

Development of local sewer networks, including the innovative egg-shaped sewer in Harrison Street. Wanganui Chronicle, September 2016.

Wanganui Airport

Development of Wanganui airport. Wanganui Chronicle, July 2016.

Early fire-fighting equipment

An article to celebrate Wanganui fire brigade’s 150th jubilee. Wanganui Chronicle, June 2016.

Shedding light on an old solution to dark rooms

The vault lights innovation. Wanganui Chronicle, May 2016.

Cobham Bridge – once the shortest motorway in the world

Building the Cobham Bridge. Wanganui Chronicle, April 2016.


Brickworks and their legacy in and around Wanganui. Wanganui Chronicle, March 2016.

Whanganui’s First Town Bridge

The lengthy saga of building Whanganui’s first bridge, including an overview of swing-span bridges of the Victorian era. Wanganui Chronicle, January 2016.

Mechanised Santas

Window glass development and mechanised shop displays. Wanganui Chronicle, December 2015.

Waipipi Ironsand Industry

The story of the Waipipi iron sands dredge-mining operations. Wanganui Chronicle, November 2015.

Konka Board

The story of the development of Konka board. Wanganui Chronicle, October 2015.

Wanganui Computer Centre

The story of the Wanganui Computer Centre. Wanganui Chronicle, August 2015.

Rutland Stockade

And York Stockade. Wanganui Chronicle, July 2015.

Gilberd’s – The Best Soap!

Wanganui Chronicle, May 2015.

Local Defence During WWII

Local bunkers and pillboxes. Wanganui Chronicle, April 2015.

Plastics from Milk – Wanganui was First!

The story of casein development. Wanganui Chronicle, March 2015.

Transformation of Flow into Flour

Early flour mills, including the Kawana Mill near Pipiriki. Wanganui Chronicle, February 2015.

Building the Dublin Street Bridge

Article for the bridge’s centenary celebrations. Wanganui Chronicle, October 2014.

Making Tracks for Mable

Engineering Insight magazine, July 2014

Robots – The New Generation

Engineering Insight magazine, May 2014

Safeguarding our Ideas

Engineering Insight magazine, July 2013

In Retrospect: Riverbed to River Queen

Engineering Insight magazine, July 2012

Profile: Crystallising Solutions

Engineering Insight magazine, May 2012

In Retrospect: The Dung Dusters

Engineering Insight magazine, May 2012

Celebrate Good Times

Engineering Insight magazine, March 2012

In Retrospect: World-First Fish World

Engineering Insight magazine, March 2012

Always on the Button

Engineering Insight magazine, November 2011

Keeping Track of Trains

Scientriffic magazine (CSIRO Australia for children aged 7+), September 2011.

Open All Hours

Engineering Insight magazine, September 2011

Softness on Tap

Engineering Insight magazine, September 2011

A Tool for Tough Times

Engineering Insight magazine, July 2011

Restoring Faith

Engineering Insight magazine, May 2011

A New Kind of Cool

Engineering Insight magazine, March 2011

Celebrating Good Times

Engineering Insight magazine, March 2011

Moment that Mattered: A 6.3 magnitude aftershock hits Christchurch

A first-hand experience of the February 2011 earthquake. Delayed Gratification magazine, published by The Slow Journalism Company, London.

Public Aquariums: Underwater Zoos

Scientriffic magazine (CSIRO Australia, for children aged 7+), March 2011.

From Wool to Wear

Engineering Insight magazine, January 2011

In Retrospect: Making the Way to Milford

Engineering Insight magazine, January 2011

Publishing History

A Ferro-Concrete Original magazine, November 2010

Harnessing the Wind

Scientriffic magazine (CSIRO Australia, for children aged 7+), November 2010.

Australasian Alliance magazine, September 2010

In Retrospect: Spanning the Great Divide magazine, September 2010

Sky Spies

A story about optical and radio telescopes. Scientriffic magazine (CSIRO Australia, for children aged 7+), September 2010.

Recovery Readiness magazine, May 2010

In Retrospect: A Unique Lift to Town magazine, May 2010

The Coolest Wind Farm in the World magazine, March 2010

In Retrospect: Tarting up the Carter magazine, March 2010

A Link in the Technology Chain magazine, January 2010

Moving Mountains magazine, November 2009

In Retrospect: Wellington Harbour Reclamation magazine, November 2009

Green Concrete magazine, July 2009

Flowing with the Wind magazine, July 2009

Clearing the Air magazine, May 2009

The Sky’s the Limit magazine, March 2009

Nano-tech Needlework magazine, March 2009

Four ever and ever

Wanganui’s Krupp Gun. Wanganui Chronicle, 17 January 2009.

Let there be skylights

The top-side lighting innovation at the Sarjeant Gallery. Wanganui Chronicle, 10 January 2009.

Lighting the way home

Navigation boards and other technology. Wanganui Chronicle, 3 January 2009.

Making waves

Coastal engineer Dr Tom Shand discusses his work. Wanganui Chronicle, 27 December 2008.

Exporting our engineers to the world

Profile of Wanganui old boy and engineer, Konrad Eriksen. Wanganui Chronicle, 20 December 2008.

Brian Tweed: Mr Maths

A profile of Brian Tweed, working to integrate maths with Maori culture. Wanganui Chronicle, 13 December 2008.

Technology starts with A-B-C

Improving adult literacy and numeracy. Wanganui Chronicle, 6 December 2008.

Stacking Socks to Stop Slips magazine, November 2008

Out-Disneying Disneyland

Development of Kowhai Park playground. Wanganui Chronicle, 29 November 2008.

A model of innovation

The new plans for the Velodrome and 3D printing. Wanganui Chronicle, 22 November 2008.

The people with a plan

Planning as a profession. Wanganui Chronicle, 15 November 2008.

Hanging out at Ohakea

The Ohakea hangars. Wanganui Chronicle, 8 November 2008.

Tar for the memories

Road engineering design. Wanganui Chronicle, 1 November 2008.

Trench warfare

Ruapekapeka Pa in Northland. Wanganui Chronicle, 25 October 2008.

Patea power

The Patea Dam. Wanganui Chronicle, 18 October 2008.

Fun feature was forward-thinking

The Virginia Lake bird aviary. Wanganui Chronicle, 4 October 2008.

Dishing up a Revolution magazine, September 2008

A ticket to ride

Mable the tram. Wanganui Chronicle, 27 September 2008.

Coking with gas

Coal gas and the gasworks. Wanganui Chronicle, 20 September 2008.

From mud to metal

Early road development. Wanganui Chronicle, 13 September 2008.

Elevated views

Durie Hill elevator. Wanganui Chronicle, 6 September 2008.

A Ward’s eye view of the universe

The Ward observatory. Wanganui Chronicle, 30 August 2008.

Spinning wind into gold

Wind turbine design and the proposed Central Farms wind farm project. Wanganui Chronicle, 23 August 2008.

Wanganui’s wooden wonder

The Velodrome. Wanganui Chronicle, 16 August 2008.

RoboCup champs for local engineers-in-waiting

Wanganui Chronicle, 9 August 2008.

Recycling tyres to quake-safe Peru

A profile of Andrew Charleson, structural engineer and Associate Professor at the Victoria University School of Architecture in Wellington. Wanganui Chronicle, 2 August 2008.

A Christmas Cracker magazine, July 2008

Floating flower power

The Higginbottom Fountain at Virginia Lake. Wanganui Chronicle, 26 July 2008.

Designing for the wilderness

Profile of a DOC engineer. Wanganui Chronicle, 19 July, 2008.

Okehu: A dam original

The Okehu Dam at Waitahinga. Wanganui Chronicle, 12 July 2008.

Taking care of our brick beauty

The Plunket Society building gets a seismic upgrade. Wanganui Chronicle, 5 July 2008.

Going around the bend for one hundred years

Raurimu Spiral. Wanganui Chronicle, 28 June 2008.

A bridge to somewhere

Building the new Town Bridge. Wanganui Chronicle, 21 June 2008.

Yakety yak, do talk back on the ‘wonder wire’

Wanganui telephone exchange. Wanganui Chronicle, 14 June 2008.

Can’t get no liquefaction?

Cobham Bridge seismic protection project. Wanganui Chronicle, 7 June 2008.

Steam Clean magazine, May 2008

How to get water uphill … with style

Bastia Hill Water Tower. Wanganui Chronicle, 31 May 2008.

Plug-in personality

How traffic lights work. Wanganui Chronicle, 24 May 2008.

How to engineer a bigger splash

Development of the Splash Centre extension. Wanganui Chronicle, 17 May 2008.

Caring for our heritage

Profile of Michelle Horwood, curator of the Whanganui Regional Museum. Wanganui Chronicle, 10 May 2008.

Policy of avoidance of flood risks

Flood protection for Wanganui, and stopbank design. Wanganui Chronicle, 3 May 2008.

The Moles, and a Dynamic Coastline

Wanganui Chronicle, 26 April 2008.

A world first for Wanganui Hospital

Ro-gliders provide innovative seismic protection. Wanganui Chronicle, 19 April 2008.

Splendid Isolation magazine, March 2008

Engineering a Rainbow Nation magazine, January 2008

Wanganui’s Innovative Wastewater Upgrade

Article describing the development and construction of Wanganui’s wastewater treatment facility. World Water and Environmental Engineering magazine, WEF UK, 2008.

River Story magazine, September 2007

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